
a language of humanity, by humanity, for humanity

(website presently maintained by CreativityTheEmotion, a private citizen of Lithuania)

(no other contributors at time of writing)


We, an assortment of human beings from a world divided by language,

observing that education of foreign languages is often found to be frustrating by the students,

additionally observing that most frequently, one’s choice of foreign language to study is dictated by the underlying country’s imperialism,

hoping that a common human language will allow us to access knowledge, cultures and experiences that would otherwise remain inaccessible,

additionally hoping that the sharing of cultures and experiences will allow humans to see each other for who they are, a part of a greater whole, and will largely halt war motivated by imperialism,

further noting the various benefits to one’s brain health that can be attained by speaking a second language,

present Interclong, a language that aims to

be as easy to learn as possible, regardless of your background, and hence

establish itself as a second language for as many people as possible, but

not replace first languages of any single culture,

nor invalidate the experiences of any single human being, culture or political entity, and above all

belong to all of us and none of us at the same time.

Section I

The Interclong Language

Article 1. What is Interclong?

Interclong is an international auxiliary language: a language that is designed to be learned by people from differing linguistic and cultural backgrounds, that would then enable them to communicate the way they would in their first language.

Article 2. Interclong’s Goal

Interclong’s primary goal, to be pursued by the language designers and maintainers to the best of their ability, is to reach as many people as possible, in terms of proportion of the human population.

Article 3. Interclong’s Ephemerality

At no point is the claim made that Interclong will ever have a final, immutable version. It is the duty of an Interclong speaker to stay up to date with language developments and adjust their use of the language accordingly, including literature previously published in the language.

The designers and maintainers of Interclong reserve the right to update the language to be in line with both how the community uses it and with the goal stated in Article 2.

The most up-to-date version of the Interclong reference grammar shall be indefinitely maintained at the URL by a delegation that should, at all times, be both democratically elected and continuous with the language’s original designers.

Article 4. Interclong’s Target Audience

Interclong’s designers and maintainers may need to prioritise a certain target audience above others. This is not believed to be in conflict with the goal stated in Article 2, but rather, a direct consequence of it.

Currently, Interclong’s target audience can be broadly described as “the Internet”: a collection of people who spend a significant portion of their lives online, and who communicate with other people who they do not know in real life.

Article 5. Interclong’s Target Uses

Regarding areas of language use, Interclong prioritises human-to-human communication. An Interclong speaker should be able to express any thought they could possibly have in their first language in Interclong, with as little loss of information as possible, and then communicate it with other speakers.

People are not discouraged from writing creative works, such as fiction, in Interclong. However, they are advised that for that purpose, Interclong may lack the sufficient capabilities, such as synonymous words or respect for poetic structures, and furthermore, they are advised of the information stated in Article 3.

Section II

The Language Community

Section III

Language Design and Maintenance

Section IV

Phonology and Orthography